Setting up your out-of-office message is one of the best feelings in the world (coming to second to actually being out of office). Because when you have your out-of-office message set up to send automatically, you don’t have to worry about checking your inbox or clients getting mad at you for not responding.  You can […]

July 19, 2024

How to Write an Out-of-Office Message (with 5 Fun Examples)

Being able to take time off whenever the hell you want to is one of the main reasons so many people start an online business in the first place. And yet, taking legitimate time off when you’re the one running your business? Far scarier than cashing in on your vacation time at a 9-5.  But […]

July 13, 2024

The Out-of-Office Checklist for Online Business Owners

Dubsado workflows can literally change your life because instead of you having to do everything manually, you can set them up to run themselves.  While they can be a bit tricky to set up if you’re DIYing it, they’re well worth it, especially when it comes to your enquiry workflow because this is the first […]

Dubsado Workflow Tutorials: Set Up an Automated Enquiry Workflow

No matter what kind of business you run, client experience is everything. Because the experience clients have working with you determines not only whether or not they leave a glowing review at the end of their experience, but also whether or not they refer you to everyone they know AND come back for more themselves. […]

May 29, 2024

5 Easy Tips For Improving Your Client Experience

If you’ve ever found yourself writing the same emails over and over again, you’re gonna love learning about a little thing we call canned email templates. (Especially if you have a powerhouse CRM like Dubsado.) Because the best part about canned email templates is that they save you hours upon hours of time.  In this […]

May 22, 2024

Dubsado Canned Email Templates 101: The What, Why, and How

I’ll just come right out and say it, but when I first discovered Showit, I immediately fell in love. And I can’t help but think that if you’re an online, creative business owner, you will too.  Because in my opinion, it’s one of the best website platforms known to mankind.  Although, I promise to tell […]

A Review of Showit: Everything You’ll Love (and Hate)

You’ve just started your Dubsado free trial (or committed to the annual/monthly plan) and you’re ready to get your Dubsado set up and started, but where the hell should you begin? I’m so glad you asked. Because while it might be tempting to jump straight to the shiny stuff (like creating proposals, questionnaires, and other […]

March 20, 2024

Ready to Get Your Dubsado Set Up? Start With These 8, Easy Things

Dubsado CRM for creatives is a godsend. And I’m not even being dramatic.  Because you know all that stuff you have to stay on top of when it comes to working with clients? Stuff like:  Dubsado CRM helps you do all of that (and can even be set up to do it FOR you).  If […]

March 1, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Dubsado: The Best CRM for Creatives

Spoiler alert! This blog contains business tips for running an online business that every service provider wishes they had in the early years of starting their business. (You know, when you’re stumbling your way through and learning every business lesson the hard way?) I won’t lie, running your own online business comes with a constant […]

5 Holy Grail Business Tips for Running an Online Business

No matter what stage you’re at in business, as a service provider especially, you know how ridiculously valuable it is to find resources and tools for small business owners that help you save loads of time, that you enjoy using, and don’t cost you a fortune. (And there are definitely some duds that end up […]

August 21, 2023

My Favourite Online Tools For Small Business Owners